The Washington Counties Risk Pool is an association "Created by Counties for Counties" in 1988 and pursuant to Chapters 48.62 and 39.34 RCW to provide to member counties programs of joint self-insurance, joint purchasing of insurance and joint contracting for or hiring of personnel to provide risk management, claims handling and administrative services.
From its inception, the Pool's insuring programs have included joint self-insurance for 3rd party liabilities. However, the insuring programs have been expanded to include property and cyber risk coverages as well as trainings and loss control services.
The Pool presently consists of 24 of Washington's 39 counties. Together, its members employ approximately 12,500 employees.
The WCRP is governed by a Board comprised of one Director (and at least one Alternate) appointed by each member's legislative authority and representing that county. These representatives are both elected and appointed officials. The Board meets three times each year, and the Pool's Annual Meeting is held in the summer. The Board decides upon the self-insured coverages the Pool will provide its members, what to retain or to reinsure, and the insurances (e.g. excess liability, property, cyber risk) to jointly purchase or offer for purchase. The Board also approves the Pool's operating budgets, work programs and member assessment formulae, and employs an Executive Director who is given general responsibility for Pool activities including risk management, claims handling and administrative services.