The WCRP's Risk Reduction Program was established to provide special financial resources to member counties for funding projects and purchases that will help reduce or eliminate property and liability risks. Each WCRP member county can receive funding yearly to use in a variety of different ways. The process is simple, and the results will be less claims and lower costs!
Narcotics Detection Device Reimbursement funding can be used to assist member counties with obtaining and utilizing narcotic detection devices within county jails. The WCRP Board of Directors has approved $125,000 that will be split into ten (10) $12,500 reimbursements on a first come, first served basis (limit 1 per member county). This program is for reimbursement only, and each member county is responsible for carrying out the procurement process including the RFP process if applicable.
Other Risk Reduction Reimbursement funding can be used for an entire purchase, or as "seed money" to be put toward the total funding cost of a specific project or purchase. Approved requests will be reimbursed after the purchase has been implemented or the project has started. Counties can submit as many requests as needed (up to the $5,000 limit) during the fiscal year for other projects and purchases.
Learn more about both Risk Reduction Reimbursement options and request funding today!
Narcotics Detection Device Reimbursements
Other Risk Reduction Reimbursements
If your request is not approved, you may petition for reconsideration of that decision by sending an e-mail to briefly describing why the application should have been approved. All requests for reconsideration will be reviewed by Pool management.
Questions? Please contact us by emailing